Favorite AWI Blog's 2014


New for 2013 new adventures 1895 and Beyond

Henry has introduced me to a new set of rules look here for new tales of these adventures.
IHNM - In Her Majesty's Name by Osprey


My newly updated blog for supplies and painting tips gleaned from the web and my general surplus miniature selling page click on the link to take you to the new blog.

I now have joined the electronic age and have paypal and EBay auctions.


This is a blog I set up to chronicle my adventures in wargaming overseas in Scotland in 2011 and to continue following particular games overseas that I enjoyed with my new friends in Edinburgh. I look forward to finally updating this with more pics soon.


Napoleonic Campaigning in Italy

Napoleonic Campaigning in Italy
Les Grognards Blog "The sabre that Napoleon used at Marengo"

Napoleon's Drum and his Marshals

Napoleon's Drum and his Marshals
Napoleon Mulling over his battle plan

Napoleon reflecting by Iron Mitton

Napoleon reflecting by Iron Mitton
Quiet before the battle

Napoleon the morning of waterloo

More Iron Mitton Cartoons

More Iron Mitton Cartoons
Knock - Knock

Iron Mitton Cartoons

Iron Mitton Cartoons

Civility in wargaming

Civility in wargaming

Friday, April 13, 2012

Pirates of Black Powder and Cutlasses

Black Powder Pillage and Burn as a raid by British forces (settled on AWI period again)
 Pirates/privateers circa 1700 to 1799 using Black Powder
North Georgia Irregulars/Powder Springs Irregulars get started on summer gaming,
Henry and Stephen played the British Elites and British Legion respectively (all Elite / Crack / Steady / First fire) while Steven handled the Privateers and British marines. The Hessians were bogged down bringing the rear as their artillerygot stuck in the Virginia mud and never entered the battle.
 Pirates carry out a raid seeking supplies and booty for their forces to divide, If they pillage they generate a d6 of Militia/Guerillas - However should they burn the farm this generates 2 d6 of Militia/guerillas /or regular renforcements (1,2 - 3,4 - 5,6)

we had a great 4 or 5 hour game introduced Henry to the rules - threw in some Privateers/Pirates (Bloodthirsty/warbands/skirmish/marauders) to raid the fort - Also at various points around the table the British foces encountered Ambush markers that generated one d6 of indians not friendly to the crown. This ended up generating an Indian warband of almost 12 to 16 figures who stalled the British Highlanders and Elite British  foot for 3 to 4 turns.  No attack columns were permitted to keep the period tactics linear in nature. French allied skirmishers were allowed to mass as long as they were not disordered.

So score it as follows
Privateers 6 victory points - lots of looting of the fort and destroyed one enemy unit (Note Tavington was moving into position to relieve the pirates of fortress booty  for the crown and himself)

British 4 victory points - lots of burnt buildings and 3 broken rebel units (some confusion over the command check and burning vs pillaging (may need separate die roles for burning vs pillaging)
(the British only burned 2 Loyalist farms as opposed three rebel farms getting torched

Rebels 3 victory points broke the British Marines escorting the Privateers, but the units intent on stopping the Pirates were broken as well, The rebels did have a river boat armed with swivel light artillery which provided some supporting fire for the Rebel attacks on the bridge

Blunder move at the end of the game put a friendly unit over 12 inches and directly with their backs to a roving unit of Tarletons British Legion Cavalry (Can you say shes ka bob infantry)

Which also resulted an event card for the Rebel left flank that saw a light unit retreat 2 moves upon being surpised by a company of Loyalist light infantry

Tavington did not burn the Anglican Loyalist church but spared the church and graveyard from being put to the torch or otherwise desecrated.

The Rebel Virgina mortar and 3rd Virginia Continentals , also Spanish Regulars finally appeared, But too little to late to change the huge margin of victory enjoyed by the Pirates and the British.

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