Favorite AWI Blog's 2014


New for 2013 new adventures 1895 and Beyond

Henry has introduced me to a new set of rules look here for new tales of these adventures.
IHNM - In Her Majesty's Name by Osprey


My newly updated blog for supplies and painting tips gleaned from the web and my general surplus miniature selling page click on the link to take you to the new blog.

I now have joined the electronic age and have paypal and EBay auctions.


This is a blog I set up to chronicle my adventures in wargaming overseas in Scotland in 2011 and to continue following particular games overseas that I enjoyed with my new friends in Edinburgh. I look forward to finally updating this with more pics soon.


Napoleonic Campaigning in Italy

Napoleonic Campaigning in Italy
Les Grognards Blog "The sabre that Napoleon used at Marengo"

Napoleon's Drum and his Marshals

Napoleon's Drum and his Marshals
Napoleon Mulling over his battle plan

Napoleon reflecting by Iron Mitton

Napoleon reflecting by Iron Mitton
Quiet before the battle

Napoleon the morning of waterloo

More Iron Mitton Cartoons

More Iron Mitton Cartoons
Knock - Knock

Iron Mitton Cartoons

Iron Mitton Cartoons

Civility in wargaming

Civility in wargaming

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Canvas Eagles / Blue Max - World War One - Larry Leadhead Website Rules

WARNING: Blue Max/Canvas Eagles is a fast paced, easy to learn and highly addictive game.

Blue Max/Canvas Eagles is a fast paced multi-player World War I (1914 - 1918) aerial combat game that is played on a hex game mat. Each game depicts a single dogfight in which each player controls a single aircraft, and attempts to shoot down as many enemy planes as possible without being shot down themselves. There is no limit to the number of players that can play in a single game.

Blue Max/Canvas Eagles is played on a hex grid game mat, with the players, using an aircrfat maneuver chart decide which maneuver their aircraft will perform on the following move. After all players have decided their moves, all the aircraft are moved simultaneously on the game mat. Players can shoot at another plane only if the enemy aircraft is within their fire arc at a maximum distance of 3 hexes. The game rules are very simple with most being contained within the game components used for game play. Referencing the rules manual is rarely necessary. After playing a few games, you can start using the campaign rules, which adds more fun to the game.

Eric Hotz & Phil Hall © 2008

Canvas Eagles/Blue Max

Looks like a great site with free  downloads for the entire ruleset.
Also from the yahoo discussion group today -
Re: 10 section antennas for sale
"I checked this group today to announce something and found you guys talking about it already. So I'll just reply to this post here. I am modifying my hex flight bases to include a telescoping rod as well. It's a 5 segment with magnet on the end. The flight stand has a built in direction indicator and elevation indicator. I also finished my new magnetic mounts that can be used to indicate yaw, pitch, and roll. We use these to indicate the last turns move for instance a left turn with a climb so you can keep track visually more whats going on and it looks great.

Telescoping rods by themselves will be $3 each. 4" hex flight stands are $9 (I can make 5" if someone is trying to do 72nd scale) Magnetic mounts are $2.50 each for the small 1/144th scale stuff and $4 each for the larger 1/72nd scale ones. So for 1/144th you can have a setup for under $15. I was going to announce the mag mounts but I'm also placing an order for telescoping rods soon so if anyone is interested email me and I can add some to my order."

Mag mounts can be seen here:

Flight stands here:

"The mag mounts can be attached to the rods I've worked out easy and secure ways for both sizes."
Jonathan Bowen - CorSec Engineering


  1. We are now offering Fabric printed maps as well. The Aerial Farmland map will work great for Canvas Eagles.
