this wargame was sponsored by KENNESAW MOUNTAIN GAMERS - (War of Spanish Succession Gamers) -COWS OF FILET - and a special thank you to Rick OBrian (the Flag Dude)for a great game and Continental Airlines for getting him home in time to host the game.
And two hours sleep only saw him forget a couple of minor items.
Jim Schmidt
Rick OBrian
next to the board in this pic is an excellent mock-up of the interior of the hospital (we skipped that part of the game) and abstracted it out by having two trays of Zulus stationed against the hospital for 5 or 6 turns. Rick OBrian mentioned making the hospital fight a skirmish game by itself on a larger scale. I hope Rick emails me a pic of the mock-up so I can add it into this post
This looks like a great game. One thing though, I would love to play a scenario where the NNC and NNH were not chased off as they historically were by the zulus. Also, the guns weren't left in Johannesburg but at Isandlawana where the zulus slaughtered the British central column.