My own command eventually consisted of 2 Brigades of infantry with attached lancers and chassuers,
The 57th captured two fleches and a deployed 12 gun Russian battery, then the 1st of the 57th fought to the last drummer boy as Russian guard cuirassuer attacked our understrength square. The battalion skirmishers shot a Russian prince and the Cuirassier Division commander earning high praise from Napoleon, The brigadier of the 57th earned a Legion of honor for the regiments glory and is rumored to be in line for a battlefield promotion to General of Division. If not for the tight confines of the battlefield the supporting French cavalry would have eliminated the remainder of the Russian Cuirassier division.
The Chassuers (supported by French Lancers) caught the little Russia Cuirassier regiment from behind in front of the 85th Line in square and forced its surrender (without honors) to the Infantry Brigadier.
A little more manuevering room and the Lancers would have caught a Russian CUirassier unit caught standing in disorder as a French hussar unit charged it frontly. Unfortunately the French lost control of the destroyed Great redoubt and one fleche as the battle ended. This resulted in a Winning Russian draw.
Most of the days French grand battery fire was focused on the great redoubt and troops surrounding it.